Currency XAU - Gram of Gold

International name
Currency code by ISO 4217
Currency code by ISO 3166-1
Decimal positions

Countries of usage

  • ZZ08_Gold

Evolution of Gram of Gold (XAU) rates in last 14 days

Commercial banks rates

Commercial bank rates at from

Bank name XAU
buy. sell.
NBR BNR 1 357.7647 357.7647
  • 1 - Central bank rates are shown for reference only and can not be used for cash exchange operations.

National Bank (NBR) exchange rates

eur EUR 4.9764 Lei 0.0001  up
usd USD 4.6687 Lei 0.0062  up
gbp GBP 5.8125 Lei -0.0033  down
chf CHF 5.1404 Lei 0.0113  up
xau XAU 357.7647 Lei 0.8967  up