Currency XBC - Bond Markets Unit European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)

International name
Bond Markets Unit European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9)
Currency code by ISO 4217
Currency code by ISO 3166-1
Decimal positions

Countries of usage

  • ZZ03_Bond Markets Unit European_EUA-9

Evolution of Bond Markets Unit European Unit of Account 9 (E.U.A.-9) (XBC) rates in last 14 days

Commercial banks rates

Commercial bank rates at from

No exchange offices were found

National Bank (NBR) exchange rates

eur EUR 4.9761 Lei -0.0001  down
usd USD 4.6567 Lei -0.0132  down
gbp GBP 5.7878 Lei 0.0180  up
chf CHF 5.0938 Lei -0.0260  down
xau XAU 346.6114 Lei 2.0417  up